We Do (The Stonecutter's Song)
2F09 - 8th January 1995
Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!
Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do! We do!
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do! We do!
Who robs the cave fish of their site?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do! We do!

Moe Better Booze Song
2F31 - 5th March 1995
Money gets you one more round
Drink it down
Ya stupid clown
Money buys you one more round
Then you're out on your ass!

See My Vest
2F18 - 9th April 1995
Some men hunt for sport
Others hunt for food
But the only thing I'm hunting for
Is an outfit that looks good
See my vest!
See my vest!
Made from real gorilla chest
See this sweater,
There's no better
Than authentic Irish setter
See this hat, 'twas my cat
My evening wear, vampire bat
These white slippers are albino African endangered rhino
Grizzly bear underwear
Turtlesnecks, I've got my share
Beret of poodle on my noodle
It shall rest
Try my red robin suit
It comes one breast or two
See my vest!
See my vest!
See my vest!
Like my loafers?
Former goafers
It was that, or skin my chauffeurs
But a greyhound fur tuxedo would be best
So lets prepare these dogs
Kill two for matching clogs
See my vest!
See my vest!
Oh, please won't you see my vest!

Señor Burns
2F20 - 17th May 1995
Wounds won't last long
But an insulting song
Burns will always carry with him
So, I'll settle my score
On the salsa floor
With this vengeful, Latin rhythm!
Con el corazon de perro
Señor Burns!
El diablo con dinero!
It may not surprise you
But all of us despise you
Please die, and fry
In hell, you rotten, rich, old wretch
Adios viejo!

Just Don't Look
3F04 - 30th October 1995
[Paul Anka]
To stop those monsters 1-2-3
Here's a fresh new way that's trouble free
It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...
Guarantee void in Tennessee!
Just don't look!
Just don't look!
Just don't look!
Just don't look!

Jebediah Springfield Theme
3F13 - 18th February 1996
It's that team of Jebediah Springfield
Whip those horses, let that wagon roll
That a people might embiggen America
That a man might embiggen his soul
His soul, his soul!

Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius
3F15 - 24th March 1996
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Oh, Dr Zaius
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
What's wrong with me?
[Dr Zaius]
I think you're crazy
I want a second opinion
[Dr Zaius]
You're also lazy
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Oh, Dr Zaius
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Can I play the piano anymore?
[Dr Zaius]
Of course you can
Well, I couldn't before
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Oh, Dr Zaius
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
Oh, Dr Zaius

Chimpan A to Chimpan Z
3F15 - 24th March 1996
I hate every ape I see
From chimpan a to chimpan z
No, you'll never make a monkey out of me
Oh my God, I was wrong
It was Earth, all along
You've finally made a monkey
[Chorus] Yes, we've finally made a monkey
Yes, you've finally made a monkey out of me!

An Amendment to Be
3F16 - 17th March 1996
[Little Boy]
Hey, who left all this garbage on the steps of Congress?
I'm not garbage
I'm an amendment to be
Yes, an amendment to be
And I'm hoping that they'll ratify me
There's a lot of flag-burners who have got too much freedom
I want to make it legal for policemen to beat 'em
'Cause there's limits to our liberties
At least, I hope and pray that there are
'Cause those liberal freaks go too far
[Little Boy]
But why can't we just make a law against flag burning?
Because that law would be unconstitutional
But if we change the constitution -
[Little Boy]
- Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!
Now you're catching on!
[Little Boy]
But what if they say you're not good enough to be in the constitution?
Then I'll crush all opposition to me!
And I'll make Ted Kennedy pay
If he fights back, I'll say that he's gay
Good news, amendment! They ratified you!
You're in the US Constitution!
Oh, yeah! Door's open, boys!

Skinner and the Superintendent Theme Song
3F18 - 14th April 1996
Skinner with his crazy explanations
The superintendent's gonna need his medication
When he hears Skinner's lame exaggerations
There'll be trouble in town, tonight!

The Tomfoolery of Professor John Frink Theme Song
3F18 - 14th April 1996
Professor Frink, Professor Frink
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you think
He likes to run, and then the thing with the...person...

Cletus, the Slack-Jawed Yokel
3F18 - 14th April 1996
Some folks'lll never eat a skunk
But then again, some folks'll
Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel
Most folks'll never lose a toe
But then again, some folks'll
Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel

3F23 - 3rd November 1996
He'll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth!
Beware of Scorpio!
His twisted twin obsessions are his plot to rule the world
And his employees' health!
He'll welcome you into his lair
Like the nobleman welcomes his guest!
With free dental care and a stock plan that helps you invest!
But beware of his generous pensions
Plus three weeks paid vacation each year!
And on Fridays the lunchroom serves hot dogs and burgers and beers!
He loves German beer!

The Spring in Springfield
4F06 - 24th November 1996
You could close down Moe's
Or the Kwik-E-Mart
And nobody would care
But the heart and soul of Springfield's in our Maison Derriere
We're the sauce on your steak
The cheese in your cake
We put the spring in Springfield
[Dancer 1]
We're the lace on the nightgown
[Dancer 2]
The point after touchdown
[Belle & Dancers]
Yes, we put the spring in Springfield
We're that little extra spice that makes existence extra-nice
A giddy little thrill at a reasonable price
[Rev Lovejoy]
Our only major quarrel's with your total lack of morals
[Dancer 1]
Our skimpy costumes ain't so bad
[Dancer 2]
They seem to entertain your dad
[Belle & Dancers]
The gin in your martini, the clams on your linguine
Yes, we keep the <boing> in Springfield
[Wiggum, Krusty & Skinner]
We remember our first visit
[Mayor Quimby]
The service was exquisite!
[Mrs Quimby]
Why, Joseph, I had no idea!
[Mayor Quimby]
Come on now, you were working here!
[Grampa & Jasper]
Without it, we'd have had no fun
Since the March of 1961!
To shut it down now would be twisted
[Jimbo, Dolph & Kearney]
We just heard this place existed
We're the highlights in your hairdo
The extra arms on Vishnu!
So, don't take the <sproing>
We won't take the <slide whistle>
Yes, let's keep the <crash of two garbage can lids hit together> in Springfield!
